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styluspen 추천 상품 리스트 TOP 7
로랜텍 아이패드 호환 스타일러스 스마트 터치펜 RRT-412, 화이트, 1개
누아트 아이패드 호환 스타일러스 블루투스형 스마트 터치펜
모락 멜로우 초미세 태블릿 터치펜 MR-TP-02
굿밸류 터치플렉스펜 K11, 화이트, 1개
베이직기어 스타일러스 슬림 터치펜 TP5
구스페리 아이패드 전용 스타일러스 스마트 터치펜, 화이트, 1개
티노터 펜슬 터치펜
styluspen 관련 정보
Galaxy S21 will have stylus, top executive says, sort of
Samsung Electronics continued its cat-and-mouse, selective-hint marketing strategy by offering up some clues seeming to suggest that the Galaxy S21 will include a stylus pen — or not — and that the product will have its debut a month earlier as previously rumored. The K…
출처 : 코리아중앙데일리
Samsung unveils Galaxy Note 10 with enhanced stylus, no headphone jack
The South Korean tech giant showed off its premium large-screen smartphone sporting an S-pen stylus during an Unpacked event in New York on Wednesday (local time). The new phablet comes in two sizes for the first time: the 6.3-inch standard Note 10 in the U.S., and souped-up…
출처 : 코리아타임스
Samsung’s new stylus pen introduces telephoto lens for zoom features
Park Sae-jin Reporter swatchsjp@ajunews.com SEOUL — To overcome technical limitations and have powerful zoom features, Samsung Electronics seeks a dramatic change in smartphone camera shooting by modifying its trademark stylus pen to have powerful lenses and a sensor that…
출처 : 아주경제
Kindle Scribe release date: Amazon finally adds notetaking functionality; new e-reader comes with a battery-free stylus
Aptly named Kindle Scribe, the device will also ship with a stylus pen that “never needs charging.” The tech giant already has a slate of smart home devices that many anticipated to be the highlight of this week’s event. It was then a nice surprise that the newest…
출처 : 이코노타임즈
Built-in stylus for S22 Ultra signals end of Note era
S Pen stylus — in that it has a built-in slot to store the stylus. Moreover, the new device’s 6.8 inch screen is three times more responsive to the S Pen than those of the S21 and Note 20 Ultra, both of which had 9 milliseconds of latency. Latency for the new device was…
출처 : 코리아헤럴드
Samsung unveils budget tablet PC, offering S Pen stylus
By Baek Byung-yeul Samsung Electronics unveiled the new tablet PC Galaxy Tab S6 Lite that supports the company’s signature S Pen stylus, Friday. The new tablet PC is a low-cost model of Samsung’s premium PC Galaxy Tab S6, which was released last August. The new device is…
출처 : 코리아타임스
Griffin to Launch Stylus + Pen + Laser Pointer,’Digital Swiss Army Knife’ for the Modern Day Consumer and Business Professional
Griffin Technology, one of the world’s foremost creators of innovations for everyday life, has announced the launch of the Stylus + Pen + Laser Pointer, a precision tool for projection screen, touchscreen and paper. “Mobile computing is transforming the way we digest and…
출처 : 에이빙뉴스
올림푸스, Stylus 1 & PEN E-P5 펌웨어 공개
[미디어잇 ] 올림푸스는 16일 플래그십 미러리스 카메라 PEN E-P5와 하이엔드 콤팩트 카메라 Stylus 1의 펌웨어를 발표했다. 버전은 각각 1.4, 1.1로 상세 사항은 아래와 같다. 올림푸스 PEN E-P5 ▲올림푸스 PEN E-P5 저진동 촬영 모드를 사용해 바로 촬영할 수 있다. (0초) 스마트 디바이스용 애플리케이션…
출처 : IT조선
LG Electronics to unveil budget phones with fingerprint scanner, stylus pen at CES
Along with the K-Series, the new Stylus 3 will make its debut at the upcoming CES. It is a mid-range smartphone with an upgraded pen, offering smoother writing experience, according to the company. “What’s consistent in all our K Series and Stylus 3 devices is that they…
출처 : 매일경제
Galaxy Note9 invitation hints at revamped stylus
Unlike previous years, Samsung opted not to include a catchphrase for the new model on the invitation – the Note8 missive came with the slogan “Do bigger things” – instead showing a magnified image of the button on the Note series’ signature S Pen stylus in gold on a blue…
출처 : 코리아중앙데일리
지금까지 styluspen 관련 추천 상품 7가지를 소개해 드렸습니다. 만일 원하시는 상품이 없다면 찾는 상품의 특징을 이메일로 남겨주세요. 찾아서 메일 회신드리겠습니다.
원하는 상품이 있었다면 다른 사람들에게도 이글을 소개해 주세요.
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